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Pool safety compliance checklist

Our handy checklist can help you to determine if there are any issues you could rectify prior to the inspection. While it’s not possible to cover every issue in every scenario, we have tried to make the checklist as comprehensive as possible.

The checklist is also available in a printable format (PDF, 401 KB)

Pool gates

  • Do all pool gates open outwards away from the pool?
  • Do all pool gates self-close and self-latch from all open positions including from fully open to a finger’s width open?
  • For gate latches above the gate (e.g. for aluminium gates), is the latch release at least 1500mm off the ground and 1400mm above the bottom horizontal rails on the gate/fence?
  • For gate latches on the inside (e.g. for glass gates), is the latch release at least 150mm below the top of the gate? And are all gaps for 150mm above the latch, and for 450mm below and to the left/right of the latch less than 10mm?
  • Are the pool gate hinges a minimum distance of 900mm from top to top or are there 60 degree angled safety caps installed on the bottom hinge?
  • Is the gap between the gate and the ground less than 100mm?

Pool fences/barriers

  • Is your pool fence at least 1200mm high at any point right around the pool enclosure (i.e. no objects such as steps, rocks, or garden edging within 1200mm of the top of the fence)?
  • Is the area within 900mm of the outside of the pool fence and within 300mm of the inside, free from potential foot/hand holds such as plant pots, outdoor furniture, taps and pool equipment?
  • For 1800mm or taller boundary fences, is there a minimum 900mm deep non-climbable zone on either the neighbour’s side, or from the top down on your side?
  • Are all vertical gaps less than 100mm and does the gap on either side of the vertical bars remain less than 100mm when squeezed with your non-dominant hand?
  • Is your fence structurally sound with all post secured in the ground, panels secured to posts, and palings secured to the rails?
    Are the gaps between the underside of your pool barrier and solid ground less than 100mm (note that loose mulch and gravel do not count as a solid barrier)?
  • If accessible, are the horizontal rails on your pool fence at least 900mm from top to top?
  • Where pool barriers intersect, are all potential hand/foot holds such as intersecting rails, at least 900mm apart?
  • Can you confirm that all brick/rock walls have no indents or protrusions of 10mm or more?
  • Have all trees and shrubs (within 900mm of the outside of the pool fence and within 300mm of the inside) had climbable branches/forks trimmed so that children can’t use them to climb?


  • For above-ground pools, are the sides at least 1200mm high with no indents of protrusions of 10mm or more, and is the ladder and pool equipment enclosed within the barrier?
  • Are all windows that open onto the pool enclosure fitted with security screens or modified so they can’t be opened more than 100mm?
  • Can you confirm that no doors enable direct access to the pool enclosure?
  • Is there a compliant CPR sign prominently displayed within the pool areal?
  • Is your pool on the Queensland Building and Construction Commission’s Pool Register?